Looking for an opportunity to improve your interview skills in private?
Curious how you come across to the employer?
Need tips, expert advice and video training to help your interview skills flourish?
Have a great skill set but are not very good at selling yourself?
Need to improve your chances in your next job interview?
If you answered yes to any of the above you're at the right place!
Experience a real interview! Listen to many different audio questions and record your answers. Save your best answers so that you can refresh before the real interview arrives.
Train your brain to naturally and spontaneously recall brief, relevant and memorable high points under the pressure of a job interview.
Our point of difference is our lifelike approach, this app also tackles the aspects of human intuition that subconsciously scream "credible", "likable", "interesting" for the interviewer.
To be successful your answers need to sound intuitive rather than memorized and that's where we shine.
★★★ Features ★★★
★ Audio practice questions (80+)
★ Record and playback your responses
★ Listen to good and bad responses and watch the interviewer's notes in real time.
★ Hints and tips
★ Self-assessment tools
★ Save your best answers
★ Interview day checklist
Video training includes:
★ Cover letter video training
★ Interview video training
This approach is so innovative that it has already been featured in two books;
Business Communication Essentials 7e by Courtland Bovee and Business Communication Today, 13e, by Courtland Bovee.
It’s suitable for beginners and experienced job seekers alike because it's designed to bring out the best of your career story, whatever it may be.
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We hope that Interview Simulator helps to bring you success and that it becomes a life long companion in your career journey. Happy interview preparation!